Meeting of the HR/VP Federica Mogherini and Fayez Saraj, designated Prime 
Minister of the Transition Government in Libya, in Cairo, Egypt

By : Mohamed Adel

The High Representative/Vice President Federica Mogherini met today, in Cairo, Fayez Saraj, designated Prime Minister of the Transition Government in Libya.

They discussed the situation in Libya at this critical time and the efforts to agree a Government of National Accord on the lines as facilitated by UN Special Envoy Bernardino Leon. They exchanged views on the possible support the European Union is ready to activate to enable the new government to become operational as swiftly as possible, once agreement among the Libyan parties had been achieved.

Mogherini and Saraj shared the concern regarding the high risks for the people of Libya and the whole region if no agreement is reached on the new government in the coming days, and the possible dramatic consequences of such a scenario. They agreed to keep in close touch in the days ahead.

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