Valletta summit on Migration
Valletta, Malta, 11-12 November 2015

By: Mohamed Adel

The Valletta Summit on Migration will be held in Valletta, Malta, on 11-12 November, at the Mediterranean Conference Centre.

The summit will bring together European and African heads of state or government in an effort to strengthen cooperation in the area of migration. It will address the challenges and the opportunitiesof migration.

The meeting in Valletta will be hosted by the Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat. The President of the European Council, Donald Tusk will chair the meeting. The President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, the EU High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, Minister of Immigration and Asylum of Luxembourg and President of the Council Jean Asselborn and Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, Neven Mimica, will be representing the EU together with President Tusk.
63 leaders from Africa and EU member states are expected to attend. A large number of international and regional organisations, such as the African Union Commission, the ECOWAS Commission, the UN, UNHCR, IOM, and the IFRC, have also been invited to participate in the Summit. All in all up to 93 delegations should take part.

The official arrival of the leaders will start at 15.30 on Wednesday 11 November, in front of the Auberge de Castille in Valletta. At 16.45 there will be the official handshake, followed by a short opening ceremony, with the unveiling of a monument and a minute of silence – commemorating those who have lost their lives.

At 18.00 the opening session will start at the Mediterranean Conference Centre, immediately followed by the first working session at 18.30. A working dinner will be held at the same location at 20.30.

On Thursday 12 June arrivals will start from 08.00 and at 09.00, there will be a signature ceremony for the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa. The summit will resume with the second working session at 09.30. The final press conference is expected to start at 13.30.

At the end of the meeting leaders are expected to adopt a joint political summit declaration and a detailed action plan.

In the margins of the summit: Signature of Common agenda on migration and mobility with Ethiopia on Wednesday 11 November at 16:45h.

1This note has been drawn up under the responsibility of the press office.


Background to the Valletta summit

Following numerous tragedies in the Mediterranean, the special meeting of the European Council on 23 April decided to mobilise all efforts at its disposal to prevent further loss of life at sea and to tackle the root causes of the migration crisis, in cooperation with the countries of origin and transit.

Leaders pledged to reinforce the EU's political cooperation with African partners at all levels in order to tackle the causes of illegal migration and combat the smuggling and trafficking of human beings. They also called for a summit to discuss migration issues with African countries concerned, which Malta offered to host.

The summit, which will build on existing cooperation processes between Europe and Africa, particularly the Rabat and Khartoum processes on migration, and the EU-Africa Dialogue on Migration and Mobility, will aim to set out a number of collective actions in a comprehensive manner. This will include long term but also short term measures which can be implemented immediately. The summit is also expected to mobilise additional financial resources, in particular Through the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa, and reinforce technical cooperation to implement concrete actions.
Discussions among participants at the summit and priority actions will focus on five specific areas:

Root causes

The summit is expected to address the root causes of migration by working to help create peace, stability and economic development in the countries of origin and transit. This will entail efforts to support job creation, education and vocational training. It should also include support to SMEs, access to finance, facilitation for investments as well as cheaper and safer transfers of remittances.

It will also include commitments for increased support to diplomatic initiatives and conflict prevention, as well as measures to counter radicalisation and violent extremism. The summit should equally consider various projects to support state building, rule of law and good governance in countries of origin and transit.

Legal migration

Leaders are expected to discuss how to promote legal channels for migration and mobility from and between African countries. This will include issues such as working towards mutual recognition of academic qualifications and professional certificates. In particular, leaders will be looking at doubling the number of scholarships for students and academic staff through the Erasmus+ programme and launching pilot projects that would pool offers for legal migration by participating EU member states.


The summit will explore ways to reinforce protection of refugees and other displaced persons.

Leaders are likely to pledge increased efforts to prevent further loss of life at sea by continued Search and rescue efforts by all sides. They should also express support for EU, African and global increased resettlement efforts and agree on providing humanitarian assistance to countries most
affected by forced displacement.

Tackling trafficking

The summit should call for further support to the rule of law and border management authorities in order to tackle smuggling of migrants and trafficking in human beings. Among other actions leaders are expected to step up capacity building to counter production and use of forged documents, including by engaging with Frontex and Europol.

Return and readmission

Leaders are expected to make progress on return arrangements and readmission agreements. In particular, they should strengthen cooperation in order to facilitate the return and sustainable reintegration of irregular migrants, both from EU member states and associated countries and from African countries of transit and destination. The summit should also call for strengthening the capacity of authorities of countries of origin to respond to readmission applicants. A special emphasis is expected to be put on identification and issuance of travel documents.

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